6 ways to promote yourself as a cosmetologist and get clients

Getting clients and job opportunities in the cosmetology industry can be challenging. Since the competition is fierce, making your very own spot in the market is a heavy task, especially when starting out.

But as all things go, you need to start from somewhere. Now coming to right on to the point, you’ve acquired all the necessary skills and knowledge as a cosmetologist be it through a course, training, or on the job.

Now you’re willing to expand your horizon and want to get some fashion gigs and projects on your own. Well, fret not as in this guide we’ll be explaining you exactly that. After going through this article, you’ll have a basic and clear idea on how to proceed as a cosmetologist freelancer or beginner.

Different ways to market yourself in order to get cosmetology projects

Different ways to market yourself in order to get cosmetology projects
Different ways to market yourself in order to get cosmetology projects

Here are the various ways you can go about and get clients for your own cosmetology freelancing or agency business.

Use social media to promote your services

Use social media to promote your services
Use social media to promote your services

With social media at your disposal, promoting your beauty and fashion services has become easier than ever before. Social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Instagram hold a significant potential to make your content reach out to hundreds and thousands of people simultaneously.

This is an excellent medium to promote any goods and services irrespective of the niche. That said, as far as cosmetology is concerned, one can create an account on a given social media platform and post content related to their work, their learnings, work samples and basically anything that can attract the right people to enquire for the beauty services.

When done right with proper strategies and consistency, leads may start flowing right into your inbox!

Attend fashion shows and events

Fashion shows and beauty events are the perfect place to get to meet people with the same mindset and passion as yours. These events also make up for an excellent medium to introduce yourself and your expertise to concerned people. You get the opportunity to exchange contact details and who know’s when they might have a project lined up for you. That said, always keep an eye out on the latest events happening in your city and even online events in order to attend them.

Share insightful tips and tricks

Insightful tips and tricks
Insightful tips and tricks

This goes closely in line with the point mentioned earlier of how one can use social media to their cosmetology services. Similarly, you can help out folks who are just starting out with their journey by providing them with some expert-level tips and tricks.

This can be done by creating enticing and good graphic posts on your social media handle. This way you get to promote your content to a lot of people at the same time and can gain you the perfect exposure.

Additionally, individuals and brands looking for skilled personnel for handling their projects can reach out to you via DMs as over time you’ll build a faith and trust through social media.

Cold outreach through emails and messages

Cold outreach through emails and messages
Cold outreach through emails and messages

Cold outreaching is a tried and tested method of landing clients for any service-based offering. In the cosmetology industry, you reach out to brands, agencies, and even other fellow freelancers as well to inquire about any work opportunities you can take up.

But always keep in mind to construct your messages and mails in a very personalised manner and explain to them how you’ll be the best fit for the project. For that to be possible, always research on the potential lead before going in. Identify their pain points and figure out where they lack.

Go through their social media, website, and portfolio and come up with a plan to take it up a notch with your services.

Get referrals from existing clients

Get referrals from existing clients
Get referrals from existing clients

Always aim to deliver extraordinary work in the first place to your clients. Satisfied clients will be more than happy to recommend you to others in their network. The beauty niche being such a vast space, there will be an end number of people in the industry to get their projects done through professionals. Furthermore, clients coming from referrals have a perspective of trust in you since you’ve been recommended by their known.

Run ads online on social media

Run ads online on social media
Run ads online on social media

Although this requires a bit of expertise, its completely worth it when you start excelling in running social media ads for your cosmetology business. This is because, through online ads, you can target the exact and appropriate audience to whom you’ll be offering your services. In the case of cosmetology, the people who should see your ads online include fashion designers, influencers, saloon owners, agencies and even huge organisations.

You can either learn to run ads on your own or hire an expert to aid you to get leads and sales through ads. Always keep such factors in your ads that make you unique and stand out from the rest of the cosmetologists in the industry.


How to cold outreach and pitch your beauty and cosmetology services?

You can pitch to potential cosmetology leads through emails in the following ways:

Open the email with a hyper-personalized message by mentioning some points that would catch the lead’s attention right away. This could be something related to their business or a problem they might be facing related to beauty and fashion.

The main body of the mail could contain something related to your expertise and how it could help them in their business. Mention something like your way of art, designing, and the process you follow. The more you are specific the better.

Lastly, end the mail with a message that makes them want to take an action. This could be done by emphasising on a offer that is hard to refuse such as offering a result guarantee or the materials bound to be used in the project will be brought from your end.

Is a certificate necessary to get clients in the beauty industry?

Although having a certificate or diploma to make it big in cosmetology is not necessary, it can surely give you an edge when going out and looking for work opportunities in the market.

It is a proof of learning to a certain extent which employers may seek when allocating projects. Moreover, completing and getting a certificate or degree from renowned institutions such as IWP Academy may render you with skills and learnings. Such institutions also provide hands-on training and make students job ready.

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